Should churches celebrate whacky holidays on social media?

I didn’t know this until I started my career in social media, but there are bizarre, special, and wacky holidays every single day of the month. Yes! Every month has its own set of holidays and observances and I’m here for all of them! Okay, most of them. 

Fried Chicken Day - let’s do it! 
National Book Lovers Day - yes, please! 
World Kindness Day - of course! 

The church can celebrate these special and unusual holidays too! Whether you’re celebrating with a gathering on campus or through a fun graphic on social media, the goal is to raise awareness and have fun. And let’s face it - we could all use a little fun right now.  

To get started…

  • Pick a holiday from the list below.

  • Determine how you’ll celebrate the holiday (Ex: campus gathering, virtually, graphic, etc).

  • Capture the excitement and share the photos/videos across social media.

Note: The below list does not contain all of the holidays available. I selected the holidays that have worked for me in the past or holidays I would like to observe in the future. If you would like to view the full list, visit here or here

November 1: National Author’s Day

Share your pastor’s top three books or authors. Share the list as a text post, graphic, or video, and host a giveaway for one of the featured books. Hashtag: #NationalAuthorsDay

November 4: Check Your Blood Pressure Day

‘Check Your Blood Pressure Day’ is not a widely known observance, but it raises awareness around an important issue. If you have medical professionals in your congregation, record a video tutorial on how to properly check a family member’s blood pressure at home. Alternative: Host a “Check your blood pressure” event at your church for the community. Hashtag: Create a unique hashtag for your church’s observance. 

November 4: National Candy Day

There’s a good chance your audience still has candy leftover from Halloween. Ask them to share their top three candies (favorite to least favorite). If your church is meeting in-person, purchase the most popular responses and give the candy away after worship service. Hashtag: #NationalCandyDay

November 5: National Hot Sauce Day

Everyone has a favorite hot sauce. List 3-4 popular hot sauce options in a poll and ask your audience to select their favorite. Hashtag: #NationalHotSauceDay 

November 6: National Nacho Day

Host a nacho bar at your church or in a small group meeting and share the photos of the nacho creations. To engage your audience, ask them to share their favorite nacho toppings or their favorite local restaurant for nachos in the comment thread. Hashtag: #NationalNachoDay

November 7: Book Lovers Day

If your church has a library, share a list of the most checked out books. Alternative: Partner with the local library to share how members can sign up for a library card. Hashtag: #BookLoversDay

November  10: Young Readers Day

Record a children's minister, Sunday school teacher, or parent reading a children’s Bible story. Publish the video across social media and encourage parents to share the video with their children. Hashtag: #NationalYoungReadersDay

November 11: National Sundae Day

Name the top three places in your community to enjoy a great sundae. Include the hashtag #NationalSundaeDay and don’t forget to tag (@mention) the featured businesses in your post. To encourage participation, ask your audience to share their favorite sundae toppings. Make note of their responses for your next sundae party. 

November 13: Caregiver Appreciation Day

The Caregiver Action Network has a great Family Caregivers Toolkit containing a number of resources available. Share the available resources with your audience. If you have a local resource or ministry at your church, share with your audience how they can connect with both. Hashtag: #CaregiverAppreciationDay #NationalCaregiversMonth

November 13: World Kindness Day

Encourage your audience to perform an act of kindness or share these free graphics from the Random Act of Kindness Foundation. Hashtag: #WorldKindnessDay

November 14: World Diabetes Day

Host an educational seminar about diabetes at your church for the entire community. Don’t forget to share photos of the event across social media. The International Diabetes Federation has a great list of ideas on how to spread the word and engage your community here. Hashtag: #WorldDiabetesDay

November 15: Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day

I’m the worst when it comes to cleaning out my refrigerator and I know I’m not the only one. I’ve read too many office notices about full and dirty refrigerators. For ‘Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day’, host a cleaning party at your church that includes the refrigerator. Post the photos online and encourage your audience to clean out their refrigerators at home.  Hashtag: #CleanOutYourRefrigeratorDay

November 17: Homemade Bread Day

Host a bread making taste event at your church. Record the taste testing, and if the bakers are willing, share their recipes in your next newsletter. Alternative: host an in-person or online bake sale. If online, ask your audience to purchase a homemade bread for their shut-in or elderly friends and loved ones. Deliver the sold items the weekend after the bake sale. Hashtag: #HomemadeBreadDay

November 23: National Espresso Day

Every church has a coffee aficionado in their congregation. Ask your coffee expert if they’ll be open to recording a video or writing a blog article on what an espresso is and/or how to make the perfect espresso. Share the video or resource on Pinterest to expand your reach beyond your audience. Hashtag: #NationalEspressoDay

November 23: National Adoption Day

Help raise awareness about adoption in your local community. Record a testimony from a family with an adopted child, or visit a local adoption organization to shine a light on the resources available in your community. For more information about Adoption Day, visit here. Hashtag: #NationalAdoptionDay

November 26: National Cake Day

Host a cake decorating contest for a special prize. Publish photos of the cake entries online and invite your online audience to vote for their favorite cake decor. Celebrate the winner in a special post after the contest. Hashtag: #NationalCakeDay

November 28: French Toast Day

Encourage your audience to share their favorite french toast combinations using the hashtag #NationalFrenchToastDay. 

November 28: Small Business Saturday

There’s a pretty good chance your church has one or more business owners in the congregation. Highlight these business owners during worship, in the announcements, or in your November newsletter. Alternative: Host a Small Business Saturday fair at your church. If you’re not meeting in-person, share a list of your small business owners across social media. Hashtag: #SmallBusinessSaturday

November is also known for the following observances:

National Alzheimer’s Disease Month

National Diabetes Month

National Family Caregivers Month

No Shave November

That’s it! I hope these November social media content ideas have been helpful. Don’t forget to check out my social media content calendars for churches HERE. If you would like more content ideas or tips on how to take your church’s social media to the next level, subscribe to my weekly newsletter.

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