How to engage your online congregation during Sunday’s live stream service.
After watching countless hours of online services this year, I’ve noticed churches around the country have one thing in common - they all lack a strategy for engaging live stream viewers. How do we fix this? This week, let’s take a step to ensure our online viewers feel loved and valued before, during, and after our live stream services.
Instead of using a countdown or a static graphic prior to your live stream, try including a slideshow or a video answering your church’s frequently asked questions. To keep the slideshow or videos current, alternate the questions answered each week.
What time does Sunday school begin?
What is the order of service?
How can people learn more about your available ministries?
Where are you located?
How can guests join a Bible study group?
What services do you hold during the week?
What is the current sermon series?
Who are the leaders in your church?
Who is the contact person for questions?
In addition to welcoming your online viewers, acknowledge your first-time visitors with a special note of thanks. As your first-time viewers respond to your acknowledgement, request their contact information to connect with them via direct message, email or mail following the service.
If this is your first-time with us, thank you for sharing your morning with (insert church name). We would love to connect with you after the service to learn more about you and send you a special gift. Type “visiting” in the comments and (insert ministry leader’s name & title) will reach out to you shortly.
Once your live stream is complete, scroll through the comments and respond to any viewers you may have missed. You could also use this time to create conversations with your viewers by asking engaging questions, but don’t forget to @mention the viewers in your response (@mentions will notify the viewer they’ve been tagged in a comment).
Hello Jane, we’re so glad you joined us today. How can we be praying for you this week?
Hi Bob! Wasn’t the message amazing today? What was your favorite takeaway?
Sean, we’ve missed you! How was your week?
Another idea, publish a video on Sunday afternoon or Monday morning detailing the call-to-actions for the week. Think, “What action do we want our viewers (especially your first-time viewers) to take after watching our church’s live stream service? This video could be combined with your message recap.
Sample call-to-actions:
Visit our website for more information.
Subscribe to our e-newsletter for weekly updates.
Connect with us on social media.
Join us on Wednesday for Bible study.
Bonus: If you have an on-campus welcome celebration for first-time guests, ask your leadership team to brainstorm creative ways to celebrate first-time viewers. Also, think about what incentives your church could include to convert first-time viewers into first-time guests.
I hope these ideas have been helpful and I would love to hear how your church is engaging live stream visitors. Share your ideas in the comment section below.